Here’s the thing. Your business is one of the most important investments in your life. You likely spend a crazy amount of time pouring yourself into every bucket necessary to get things done. I’m sure you also spend a fair bit of money to keep things running smoothly.
If you’re like a lot of business owners, you may also spend time working on areas where you’re not particularly strong, so you can save money. Which has the unintended consequence of… costing you yet more money as your attention is fractured and your most precious resource–time–gets squandered away.
The thing is, when it comes to your website and emails, if you’re not maximizing the power of the words on the screen, you are absolutely leaving money on the table. No question.
It’s Time Your Words Did More Than Just “Sound Good”
Nice-sounding words are… nice. But they won’t help you create a connection with your audience. Or help you sell.
I’ve spent 20 years as a professional writer and communications/marketing strategist, helping organizations reach their audiences.
A lot of this time was also spent honing my craft as a copywriter. This culminated in a fantastic experience working directly with Joanna Wiebe of Copy Hackers.
(If you know Joanna and her work, you know she’s awesome. She’s also the OG conversion copywriter.)
In fact, I have the proud distinction of working on the very first copy assignment for her company (an email series leading to a landing page), and racking up some great successes along the way. In fact, the premier case study Joanna used to promote her business featured my work.

So, Hi! I’m Eddy Piasentin
Whether I was advising one of Canada’s largest pension plans on how to connect with hundreds of thousands of plan members (and picking up an industry award in the process)… working with the original conversion copywriter, Joanna Wiebe of Copy Hackers (and even getting certified as a Conversion Copywriter)… optimizing a client’s landing page… auditing and re-writing an email onboarding sequence… or leading an intranet redesign for a large organization and managing the content strategy, UX, graphic design and testing… my experience is always rooted in understanding the audience, delivering evidence-based recommendations and writing copy that’s “insanely good.”
Let’s See What We Can Do Together!
If you’ve got copy that’s not working as hard as it should, get in touch.